A brilliant red sun blazes in the sky at dawn,
While sparkling dewdrops glisten on tips of grass,
And crystal clear sounds of animals fill the earth.
Oh what joy! May this world of peace remain forever!
This captivating forest landscape, lush and green,
Is like a metropolis of countless creatures.
May all beings under the power of desire
Find peace in the cool breezes of love and kindness.
Like sea creatures in the depths of the ocean’s deep,
Beings in samsara’s six realms defy counting.
Waves on the ocean of anger surge without relent.
May the Victors quell this surge with their compassion.
In Jambudvīpa, the realm of night and darkness,
Ignorance overpowers all sentient beings.
Like light from the radiant white moon in the sky,
May the light of the Victor’s wisdom show us the way.
Water depends on earth while wind depends on space;
Everything in this world depends on something else.
Let’s keep the earth healthy and protect the environment.
May the dependent origination of the Victors reign supreme.
Based on the repeated requests of Vajra Master Dr. Hun Lye,
I, Könchok Tenzin Kunzang Trinlé Lhundup, the one blessed with the title of “Gyalwa Drikungpa,”
composed this while flying on a plane over the United States
on the 16th of March, 2022, the Year of the Tiger.
May it bring about virtue and goodness!
Translated into English by Lowell Cook (Drikung Dharmakirti Translation Team)
⇒ Video "We welcome you to a short tour, introducing some of the environmental activities"
In Planung: Müllsammelaktion
Doing little things can make a big difference!
An einem Wochenende mit regelmäßigem Turnus (Frühling, Sommer und Herbst) -Termin wird noch bekannt gegeben.
Uhrzeit: 9:00 Uhr Dauer: 9:00 - 12:30 Uhr
Ende: Gemeinsames Mittagessen
MRZ- Von dort Start ins Einsatzgebiet
Verteilung von: Handschuhe, Müllsäcken, Warnwesten und evtl. Karte mit eingezeichneten Straßenabschnitt
Mitbringen von Warnweste (aus dem Auto, falls vorhanden), feste Schuhe, evtl. Regenschutz.
Interessierte an dieser Aktion können sich jetzt unter: info@milareparetreat.de melden.