H.E. Choeze Kuchen Rinpoche - Hevajra YabYum Drubchen

23.08.2025 — 30.08.2025

23.08-30.08.2025 Hevajra YabYum Drubchen with H.E. Choeze Kuchen Rinpoche
19.08.-22.08.2025  Meeting with Drupon Sangye and the  Instrument/Torma Sangha-Team



Drubpon Rachel Dodds and Giorgio Savigliano

Meditation in Action: Weekend retreats in person and online - open to all
with Drubpon Rachel and Giorgio Savigliano

These events are credited in the Dharmadara Program / You find more Information on: www.dharmadhara.de

Over five weekends we will explore the different principles of mindful awareness and practice applying them in sitting meditation and in action such as movement, eating, speaking and listening.
There will be an emphasis on working with body and breath as methods to support mindfulness and time for discussions about your experience.  These very practical and experiential teachings are designed to give you tools to bring meditation and mindfulness into your daily life.


February 07-09.25
Meditation in Action: Observation

March 07-09.25
Meditation in Action: Relaxation

April 18-20.25
Meditation in Action: Loving Kindness

May 16-18.25
Meditation in Action: Deep Listening

June 20-22.25
Meditation in Action: Trust in Wisdom

This is our fourth year offering this very special course to learn the practical principles behind Tibetan Yoga (trulkor) as well as the system of channels, prana and drops (tsa lung). All the necessary preparations to be able to engage properly and safely in the Tibetan Yogas will be explored extensively.

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Annual retreat to deepen the yidam practice of Vajrayogini. Vajrayogini is one of the main yidam deities of the Drikung Kagyu Lineage and is especially important in the practices of the Six Yogas of Naropa.

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Drubpon Kunsang - Drubpon Kunsang - Lu-jong - Yoga Techniques according to the Kagyu Masters - In Person and Online

09.05.2025 — 11.05.2025

We are very happy to welcome Drubpon Kunsang again in May 2025!

Last year Drubpon Kunsang started with Lu-jong teachings and practice. We didn’t finish with all the exercises and therefore we asked Drubpon Kunsang to continue this year with the Lu-jong teachings .

H.E. Sopa Rinpoche - Mani Retreat - "Four-Armed Avalokiteshvara" Empowerment - and Start of the Mani Retreat

31.05.2025 — 07.06.2025

With deep joy we would like to announce that H.E. Soepa Rinpoche will come again to Milarepa Center in May / June 2025 to lead the 3rd Mani Retreat.

Drubpon Kunsang - Drubpon Kunsang - Lu-jong - Yoga Techniques according to the Kagyu Masters - In Person and Online

12.09.2025 — 14.09.2025

We are very happy to welcome Drubpon Kunsang again in September 2025!

Last year Drubpon Kunsang started with Lu-jong teachings and practice. We didn’t finish with all the exercises and therefore we asked Drubpon Kunsang to continue this year with the Lu-jong teachings .

S.E.Choeze Kuchen Rinpoche - Phowa Retreat

19.09.2025 — 24.09.2025

We are very happy to welcome S.E. Choeze Kuchen Rinpoche to the Phowa Retreat.

Phowa is a practice taught in all schools of Tibetan Buddhism and is one of the Six Doctrines of Naropa.

It is a profound method to transfer consciousness to a liberated state at the time of death.
This method is considered a quick and effective way to achieve liberation for the benefit of all beings.