H.E. Choeze Kuchen Rinpoche - Hevajra YabYum Drubchen

23.-30.08.2025 Hevajra YabYum Drubchen with S.E. Choeze Kuchen Rinpoche

19.-22.08.2025 Meeting with Drupon Sanghe and the Instrument/Torma Sangha-Team


H.H. Drikung Kyabgon Thinley Lhundup will begin his Three-Year Retreat in August 2025. Therefore, His Holiness announced during his last visit in 2024 that during this time, H.E. Choeze Kuchen Rinpoche will act as Vajra Master during the future Hevajra/Nairatmya Drubchens. We are very pleased to announce that H.E. Choeze Kuchen Rinpoche has agreed to participate in this year's Hevajra Drubchen.


It is another great pleasure for us, that Drubpon Sangye, who founded the Working Group “Instruments and Tormas” in 2024, will meet with the Working Group from 19-22.08.25 shortly before the start of the Hevajra Drubchen to practice with the instruments and prepare Tormas.

Short history and iInformation
In 2017, His Holiness announced that the Milarepa Retreat Center in Germany is the place where the entire Mar-Ngok Hevajra Tantra Teachings are to be rooted and practiced as a “Special Project”. Accordingly, His Holiness has developed a Program according to which (since 2021) a Hevajra and a Nairatmya Drubchen from the Hevajra Mandala takes place alternately every year.

His Holiness Drikung Kyabgon Thinley Lhundup started in 2018 Mar-Ngok based Drubchens in the West, especially the Hevajra and Nairātmyā Drubchen. These practices were close to being forgotten. By reviving them, His Holiness’ further dream to bring back the great Lord Marpa Lotsawa (1000-1081 AD) to his proper place of honor will be also fulfilled.

It is the wish of His Holiness Drikung Kyabgon Thinley Lhundup that this Hevajra and Nairātmyā Group Accomplishment Retreat should be performed in English.

His Holiness also wishes that we use western melodies. The whole Drubchen text was therefore versified by Drupon Rachels Dodds; whenever it was also versified in Tibetan. Most of the new melodies are composed by her for this purpose.

What is a Drubchen? (literally "Great Accomplishment")

For Drubchen, it needs to go on for at least 5 days and 24 hours a day. This is done by performing the group ritual throughout the day. During the in-between sessions and during the night, groups keep on practicing, thus keeping the ritual going 24 hours a day for the duration of the Drubchen.
From 2025 on His Holiness wishes that we also practice the Yab-Yum form of Hevajra.

The purpose of the “Group Accomplishment Retreat” is the accumulation of merit (sonam gi tsog). Practicing together, we also purify all that is connected to the Sangha, Vajra brothers and sisters. All elements of ritual (skull cup, torma, ingredients, offerings bowls, music etc.), as well as visualization, mantra recitation, completion, and the awareness in between the sessions aim at purifying our attachment to the ordinary perception of ourselves and the world around us.

The mantra recitation should be unbroken throughout the entire Drubchen so we all must take this responsibility always to always hold the mantra outside of the sessions. We should try to recite the mantra on our own, wherever we are, together with the awareness of ourselves as the deity. This unbroken continuity of the mantra is a powerful blessing and purification. We should try to make this the focus of our time in the Drubchen.

Prerequisites and Samayas (commitments) for the Drubchen

  • Empowerment:
    You need to have already the Hevajra or Nairātmyā Empowerment or any highest Yoga Tantra Empowerment (like VajraYogini, Chakrasamvara, Yamantaka).You must hold the 14 root Samayas connected to highest Yoga Tantra.
    For more details check this website or also: https://www.mar-ngok.de or the booklet with explanations: https://drikung-europe.org/produkt/the-14-root-downfalls-of-the-secret-mantra-vajrayana in English and German.
  • “Lung-transmission" and basic teachings [if you don’t have these for Hevajra, you will receive them on the first day].
  • Stable Mental and physical health necessary for intense practice and long sessions.
  • Silence is kept during the actual Drubchen (6 days) even during breaks and rest periods.
  • In general, if one needs to speak, one should write a note beginning with OM and ending with SVAHA to keep the mantra pure.
  • Limited essential talking is permitted for Karma-Yoga-Teams.
  • Silence includes no use of cell phones or other devices, always, during the actual Drubchen. You can give the centers number to your loved ones for emergencies.
  • You may speak to Drupon Rachel Dodds or Giorgio Savigliano for any spiritual or emotional emergencies.
  • You must attend every session, also Dudsolma, and your assigned break and night sessions. Depending on the group size they can be 2-3 hours per night.
  • If you have physical disabilities that prevent you from during night sessions, you must inform the center in advance.
  • On all the breaks and rest periods you should be reciting the mantra, in the temple, as much as possible – even if it is not your assigned session.
  • Karma-Yoga – Druing the Drubchen you will be assigned to a Karma-Yoga-duty.The Karma-Yoga categories you will find in the registration.

Damtsig / Samaya / Commitment
His Holiness Drikung Kyabgon Thinley Lhundup said the Samaya for Hevajra and Nairatmya is to hold the 14 root Samayas, to carry the Hevajra Tantra with you (to save it on your mobile is fine as well) and to recite the short Sadhana daily.

  • If you practice another highest Yoga Tantra Deity daily, then you do not have to do the short Sadhana additionally.
  • Feel free to join the online practice group, organized by the Milarepa Center and led by Elvira Glück. Contact: info@milareparetreat.de
  • Feel free to join the Facebook chat group – please inform Daniela D. Koenig (on FB) so that she can add you
  • Information and texts will be provided on https://www.mar-ngok.de/  and printed texts will be available for purchase during the Drubchen

Friday, 22.08.2025

Since several organizational matters must be discussed, we strongly request that all participants keep to the following schedule and arrive no later than 5:30 PM
9:00 am-5:30 pm: Registration
4:30- 6:00 pm: Volunteers meet with their team leaders
6:30-7:30 pm: Dinner (Please come on time to dinner, as the Helper-Teams also want to attend the meeting at 8:00 pm)
8:00 pm: Mandatory Meeting for all participants: Information on scheduling during the Drubchen.
Please note: After this meeting we can’t offer a driving service to your hotel; we kindly ask you to please take care of the organisation of your taxi.


Sunday, August 31, 25, is the DEPARTURE DAY. It would be wonderful if you could still join us for breakfast or even lunch. After such an intense Drubchen it is very beautiful to spend some time together and share experiences. Maybe it’s possible for you to share this time with everybody. H.E. Choeze Kuchen, Drubpon Rachel and Giorgio also recommend spending time together and relaxing before departing.


The program will be distributed during the registration.


If you are staying overnight outside, you can also participate in the Drubchen.


Silence is maintained during the Drubchen. It is recommended that all participants who spend the night in external accommodations do not interrupt their silence when entering and leaving the mandala if possible.


If you wish to use instruments for the practice, please bring your personal ritual objects (vajra, bell and damaru).


The Center will supply the Nairatmya Sadhana (in English only).
Of course, the teachings will be translated into German, English and Russian during the Drubchen.
Translation into English: Cécile Ducher
Translation into German: Christoph Klonk
Translation into Russian: Victoria Paukowa


Since this is a closed retreat, you must participate in the complete drubchen-week. It will not be possible to participate only on single days.


There are enough mats and chair places. You are welcome to bring your own seat cushion. Seats can be reserved for visitors and accompanying persons with limited mobility. If you are a wheelchair user, please indicate this when registering.


It will be possible to take refuge by H.E. Choeze Kuchen Rinpoche. If you wish to take refuge, please write us an E-Mail until 15.08.25 to: info@milareparetreat.de


After receipt of your registration we will send you an invoice. Your booking will only become binding upon receipt of the fee to our account.
Complete Program (incl. lunch and dinner):
620,-€ (regular)
520,-€ (reduced)
180,- €  for Ordained
Discounts are granted to pensioners, schoolchildren/students, unemployed persons, Hartz IV recipients and disabled persons.


At the Milarepa Retreat Centre we can only offer a limited number of overnight stays including breakfast. As soon as this contingent has been exhausted, please contact the Schneverdingen Tourist Office (www.schneverdingen-touristik.de) directly. We strongly recommend that you try to find a place to stay as soon as possible, as the month of August is the peak vacation season in the Lüneburger Heath.


The limited number of parking spaces at the Milarepa Retreat Center is reserved for guests of the Center.


We can recommend the following taxi company:
Blitz Taxi Tel: 05193-9722000
The ride from the train station in Schneverdingen to the Center costs: €20,00

We look forward to welcoming you at the Milarepa Retreat Center!



His Holiness The Drikung Kyabgon Thinley Lhundup, expressed his deep felt wish to continue the annually Hevajra/ Nairatmya Drubchen at the Milarepa Center.

The Center and the Sangha are most grateful to realize His Holiness’s wish and vison, and therefore we need your support. WITHOUT your help the Center won’t be able to realize the expenses alone.
We only can master this event ALTOGETHER.


Direct debit: ⇒ click here


Anmeldeschluss | Deadline of Registration 01.08.2025


Ordinierte Gäste können, solange noch Zimmer verfügbar sind, im Milarepa Retreat Zentrum übernachten. | Ordained can stay overnight at the Milarepa Retreat Center as long as rooms are still available.

Die Teilnahmegebühren sind inklusive Mittag- und Abendessen, bitte haben Sie Verständnis dafür, daß die Gebühr vollständig entrichtet werden muss. Es können keine Mahlzeiten exkludiert werden!
Fees for the Drubchen include lunch and dinner, we kindly ask you for your understanding, that the complete fee has to be compounded. It is not possible to exclude meals!

Anmeldung zur Übernachtung | Registration for Accommodation

Übernachtungsoptionen | Accomodation options


Anreise/Abreise | Arrival/Departure
Anmeldung für Mahlzeiten | Registration for Meals
Allergien und Lebensmittelunverträglichkeiten bitte unbedingt hier angeben I Please state any allergies and food intolerances here!
Anmeldung für Mahlzeiten VOR dem Drubchen | Registration for Meals BEFORE the Drubchen
Anmeldung für Frühstück während des Drubchens | Registration for Breakfast during the Drubchen
Nur relevant für Teilnehmer, die nicht im Zentrum übernachten, alle anderen haben das Frühstück includiert | Only relevant for participants who do not stay overnight at the center, all others have breakfast included.
Anmeldung für Mahlzeiten NACH dem Drubchen | Registration for Meals AFTER the Drubchen
Ermäßigungen | Reduced Fee

Ermäßigungen werden Rentnern, Schülern/Studenten, Erwerbslosen, Bürgergeld-Empfängern sowie Behinderten gewährt. | We offer reduced fees for retired or unemployed persons, students, welfare recipients and disabled persons.

Ihre Anmeldung kann erst dann bearbeitet werden, wenn uns eine Kopie des Dokuments vorliegt, aus dem hervorgeht, dass Sie ermäßigungsberechtigt sind. Wenn Sie uns schon einen Nachweis geschickt haben, müssen Sie es nicht noch einmal schicken I Your application can only be processed if we have a copy of the document that states that you are entitled to a discount. If you already have send one, you don’t have to send again.


Bei Veranstaltungen sind wir auf die Mithilfe aller Teilnehmer angewiesen und Karma Yoga ist eine großartige Möglichkeit Verdienst anzusammeln. Daher bereiten wir an der Registration eine Liste für bestimmte Aufgaben vor und bitten Sie, vor Ort einen Bereich Ihrer Wahl auszusuchen.

During events we need help from ever participant. Voluntary help is a valuable part of our practice on the spiritual path and also serves the accumulation of merit (karma yoga). At the registration we will prepare a list, where we kindly ask you to sign in according your choice of help.

Siehe im Text "Voraussetzungen und Regeln" für das Drubchen | See in text above "Prerequisites and Samayas (commitments) for the Drubchen"
Zahlungsbedingungen | Conditions of Payment

Nach Eingang Ihrer Anmeldung erhalten Sie von uns eine Rechnung. Erst mit Eingang der Gebühr auf unserem Konto wird Ihre Buchung verbindlich.
Stornierung: Eine kostenlose Stornierung der Anmeldung (Veranstaltung, Übernachtung und Mahlzeiten im Milarepa Retreat Zentrum) ist bis 14 Tage vor Veranstaltungsbeginn möglich. Bei einer Stornierung danach werden 30% der einbezahlten Gebühren für Veranstaltung, Übernachtung und Mahlzeiten im Milarepa Retreat Zentrum, einbehalten.

Upon receipt of your registration, you will receive an email invoice from us indicating the date by which your complete payment must be deposited to our account.
Cancellation: A cancellation of your reservation (retreat, overnight accommodations and meals at Milarepa Retreat Center) free of charge is possible up to 14 days before the start of the event. In the event of cancellations after this, 30% of the paid fees for the event, overnight accommodations and meals at the Milarepa Retreat Center will be retained.

Bankverbindung | Bank details

Garchen Stiftung
Kreissparkasse Soltau
Kto-Nr: 55047153
BLZ 25851660
IBAN: DE 50258516600055047153

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All personal data collected, in this case your E-mail address, will be used by us, in accordance with the applicable legal provisions for the protection of personal data, only for the purpose of preparation and sending of the subscribed newsletter.The processing of your data is carried out on the basis of your consent. You are entitled to revoke your consent at any time, without prejudice to the legality of the consent until your revocation. Your data will be deleted if you revoke your consent to the processing of your data or if you unsubscribe from the newsletter. You have the right to be informed about your personal data as well as about the correction, deletion and storage of this data, restriction of processing, as well as the right to data transferability. Please do not hesitate to contact us for this purpose, in particular under info@milareparetreat.de

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